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Whether you are a last minute filer, a first time filer, an avid investor or are filing after a major life change, TurboTax Deluxe can help you file quickly and obtain the most deductions possible. TurboTax Deluxe is well-ranked among the Online Tax Software thanks to its many types ofilers to use, comes with great help features and has many ways to ensure that your returns are accurate.

TurboTax Deluxe takes care of your federal filing needs for just $29.95; it costs $36.95 more per state to file for state returns. E-filing is free with the purchase, but with the download you can e-file for up to five people, whereas the online is only for one person. If you purchase the CD/Download for $59.95, one state tax forms are free. With the online service you can fill in all of the information and you only have to pay when you choose to print or electronically file your return, which means you can fully test out the program before you pay a dime. TurboTax Deluxe can handle most people’s tax needs including home owners, those with significant medical expenses, those paying tuition or tuition for others and pretty much anyone else who wants to itemize deductions. TurboTax has a free edition for those with simple filing needs, as well as a Premier, Home & Business and Business version for those with more complex tax challenges.

Standout Features

  • Looks for tax deductions as you go and checks again when you are done
  • Tracks audit risk
  • Imports financial data from Quicken
  • Can transfer previous year’s data
New for Deluxe:

  • Additional Tax Preparation Assistance Services
  • Life Events Expert: Explains how changes such as the purchase of a new home, changing jobs, or becoming a parent, can affect your return.
  • Guide Me: Can offer assistance line by line.
  • Explains Your Return: Includes a summary of your return, including income, tax, credits and payments, also includes recommendations to help you get a larger refund the next year.
  • Recommendations to help you get a larger refund the next year.